A Full-Service Law Firm Committed To Your Journey For Life

Are You Ready to Rock n’ Rowl?

On Behalf of | Feb 16, 2018 | Firm News

JDSA Law is once again proudly supporting the Rock n’ Rowl for Kids annual bowl-a-thon. This fundraising event, organized by the Chelan/Douglas CASA Program, enables CASA to continue serving abused and/or neglected children in the Wenatchee Valley.

Want to participate in this year’s event?

Email CASA for additional information. Your participation can make a significant difference in the lives of every abused or neglected child in Chelan and Douglas Counties.

  • When:  Saturday, February 24
  • Where:  Eastmont Lanes
  • Time:  2–9pm

“This fun-filled family event helps make it possible for our CASA volunteers to change the lives of children in our community who are in need. There is no greater pleasure than seeing the smiles on children’s faces, and knowing you have improved their lives for the better. I’m fortunate to be involved with CASA.”


Attorney Jordan Miller, is the current president of the CASA Board of Directors.  Jordan volunteers his time and services to this great program, fulfilling his passion for creating positive change within our community