A Full-Service Law Firm Committed To Your Journey For Life

Estate Planning And Probate: Careful Considerations

For 75 years, has been a reliable source of legal counsel for the Wenatchee area and beyond. Estate planning and probate are two areas of practice covering issues that literally touch on every family, everywhere. As one of the largest law firms in the Pacific Northwest, we have a great deal of experience in these essential legal practice areas.

We welcome the opportunity to help you create or update your estate plan, fulfill your duties as the administrator of an estate or coordinate your business succession planning with a solid estate plan.

Some Common Questions And Answers About Estates And Estate Administration

Our lawyers and staff enjoy answering questions about estate planning and other key legal matters that affect our clients’ lives.

What should my spouse and I do to plan for our family’s future?

Every couple should ideally address this issue together. Whether you are a single person or newlyweds, new parents, midlife hard workers, empty nesters, retirees or older adults, your estate plan can give you a sense of security through wills, trusts, powers of attorney and health care directives. Ask our attorneys about related issues, such as a prenuptial agreement, life insurance and ways of keeping assets out of probate.

What do I need to know if I have a complex estate including multiple properties?

Besides your family’s primary residence, you may have a vacation home, investment properties, commercial real estate and/or agricultural properties. Consult with a knowledgeable and creative estate planning attorney about possibly setting up a family corporation or a limited liability company (LLC) to protect your assets from liability.

After a death in the family, what should I do?

Our probate team can help you administer your loved one’s estate. Whether there is a will, we can guide you or whoever is the executor through probate court. We can help ensure that you lawfully fulfill your duties as a trustee. While your family is engaged in preparing for a funeral and burial, we can help get the necessary legal steps underway.

We Are Here To Make Your Journey Smoother

With compassion and skill, we are ready to lead you efficiently and respectfully through the process of creating or revising an estate plan, or administering an estate. While we have a long history in Wenatchee, we also serve clients in Seattle, Spokane and elsewhere.

To schedule a consultation, call us at 509-662-3685 or send a message online.