A Full-Service Law Firm Committed To Your Journey For Life

When The Best Custody Solution Is With A Nonparent

Third-party custody refers to the custody of a child involving a nonparent. Most often the custody is sought out by the grandparent or grandparents, an aunt, an uncle or a family member who might have cared for the child or children for a period of time. Typically, this occurs when the biological parents of the child are incapable of caring for the child, do not want custody of the child or have passed away. At Jeffers, Danielson, Sonn & Aylward, P.S., we understand that third-party custody cases are emotionally difficult and can often pit family members against each other. We advise our clients while being sympathetic to each family situation.

Washington has one of the toughest parental rights retention laws in the nation as a result of the Troxelville v. Grandview case that went all the way to the Supreme Court. Our attorneys are equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate third-party custody cases in Washington and can guide their clients through the process. Although each case is different, third-party custody cases typically aren’t resolved in less than 90 days. It is a lengthy process, and each detail is examined because it is ensuring that the result will set up a child or children for successful futures.

Common questions that we hear in third-party custody cases include the following:

  • Do grandparents have rights?
  • What are my rights if the parent changes their mind?
  • Do I need to be the child’s relative to obtain the child’s nonparental custody?
  • Do I need a protection order?
  • Do I need a restraining order?
  • How long will it take?
  • If I can’t obtain custody, do I have other options?

We can discuss the answers to these questions with you. We are aware that third-party consent cases are emotional and lengthy. Our attorneys’ decades of combined experience have prepared them to handle each client’s case with the respect and care our clients deserve. This is a strenuous transition in a family’s life, and we are here to guide our clients toward success.

Contact us or call 509-662-3685 to discuss your family law needs.