Tax Rules and Alimony Changes Impacting Spousal Support

Season 3, Episode 13 – Divorce and Taxes. You can’t have one without the other. Recent changes to the Federal tax code will impact the taxation of spousal support, and the changes are as complex as a divorce itself. So, what’s changing? Who gets to pay more tax? Could the changes affect the amount a person pays or receives? And what does it all mean in the grander scheme of filing your income tax? In this special podcast episode, JDSA attorneys Jordan Miller and Lindsey Weidenbach bring together their individual areas of practice to explain and simplify the topic of Tax Rules and Alimony – Changes Impacting Spousal Support.
Tax Rules and Alimony Changes Impacting Spousal Support
Jordan Miller & Lindsey Weidenbach
This is the weekly podcast that clearly explains complicated legal issues, and how the law applies to your everyday personal and professional life. *JDSA’s Law Talk discusses general legal issues, but does not constitute legal advice in any respect. Please seek the advice of counsel prior to making or refraining from a legal matter.